es manpower at hospitals and nursing homes. They said that because of insufficient pool of nursing staff, their loved ones are n
ot giving proper attention and unfortunately, dies. Studies also showed that because of this shortage, hospital deaths rate incr
eases. We should be scared for ourselves and our loved ones on the worst effects of nursing shortage. The government, nursing sc
hools, law makers, hospitals and even the general public must find a way to ease this problem. Experts and analysts projected th
at shortage will aggravate for the upcoming years. Based on the current number of nurses that we have, demand of nurses will go
higher than any other profession. We will have 2%-3% increase of nursing shortage every year making nursing profession as the mo
st sought after job today. The intensifying nursing shortage is the reason behind the success of nursing agency business. Nursin
g agencies are booming because many hospitals and nursing homes employ their services to temporarily fill the vacant positions.
By doing this, they at somehow eases the problem on nursing shortage."How to start a nursing agency" manuals are flooding all ov
er Imagine the worry of something going drastically wrong while you are away. People can have accidents and can get sick while a

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